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« in preparation for winter... | Main | i choose.... »



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Wow, this is your work? It's absolutely beautiful.


why thank you Zachary... do I know you?


so beautiful! :) trusting the journey - lovely work - 'see' you at the fire :)

xoxo - Beth


So beautiful and touching and moving me towards sweet sweet places where I trust that where and who I am is where and who I need to be, leaving out the ever constant inquietude for a few enchanting moments..Thank you Elke for things you radiate and pass on, things that truly just cannot be described, only sensed.

laura emily

I can picture you pulling on the trust already. I love that you take us on this journey with you. And I'm loving the antlers- whenever I think of you, I always think of a Stag, for whatever reason- which is also the totem governing my 2012 it seems.


Such powerful words and images ... your open heart and trust in yourself and the Universe are inspiring to us all. Holding in my heart the image of your dream as reality. I will be thinking of you on the Solstice - ready to receive after release!

much love
xo Lis

deb fink



Your work is beautiful.....will you be joining in SouLodge in 2012?


thank you all so much sweet ones~ i appreciate every comment, i read them after you enter them~ i just don't always get back to comment on them.... yes, Celia~ I will be in the winter lodge!

Heather Ann

I love this post. Love!! I'm on a journey of my own, learning how to trust. Learning how to be brave and be me. It's not been easy. It's nice to know that I'm not walking alone.

Heather Ann

P.S. I had to pin that owl page on Pinterest. It's one of my totems and totally spoke to me. Thank you for that.

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