visual journal entry
love or fear
it's your choice
but love is the strongest engine of survival...
i stumbled across this quote recently and it literally sent me flying to my journal to work out with bits of paper, glue, and pastels~ my version of reflection.
~love or fear~
this year has been huge for me in terms of battling some big fears and learning to trust. i know that my brain chemistry~ for whatever reason~ can lead me to a dark and scary place. however, i am learning to trust that the light always returns. my biggest fear~ that i will not have a family of my own~ has haunted me for many years now. this year, i looked deep into that fear and surrendered myself to a new version of family. one without a partner. setting aside the fear of not being strong enough, smart enough, capable enough or financially secure enough to be a single mother. trusting in myself and my circle to be enough.
quick'n'dirty journal entry
rituals can be simple yet profound way to focus on dreams & usher change into our lives. i often mourned the lack of ritual in this culture. i didn't grow up with a religion~ and that seems to be where most rituals reside. so i gradually started creating my own rituals. For full moons. For break-ups. And then the lovely pixie campbell arrived on the scene to introduce me to a some beautiful native american rituals.
last night i went to an open house for my beloved massage therapist/healer. she had created a wonderul ritual of letting go and receiving for the new year. here is my spin on it...
sit still and quiet for a few moments or more and reflect on the past year. is there a fear that has kept you from reaching for the stars where your dreams reside? Or a belief or mindset that has held you back? name it. then write it down on a small slip of paper.
think about the coming year. what is it you would like to invite into your life with open arms? which dream is ready to be birthed? what does your heart yearn for? name it. light a match as you hold this thought~ watch the flame errupt from a spark. now light a candle with this match to shine light upon your desire.
finally, take the slip of paper and hold it to the flame. let the flame ignite it and let it go. let it go...
quick'n'dirty journal entry
left side
so as 2011 draws to an end~ i choose to let go of urgency. to trust, that i will create my dream~ a family.
quick'n'dirty journal entry
"I Choose" a song by the beautiful India Arie. I listen to it almost everyday.
Posted by: Poppy Peach | 12/30/2011 at 02:32 PM
Beautiful post....thank you!
Posted by: Tracie Hanson | 12/30/2011 at 02:47 PM
Way waaaaayyy beyond enough, that's you. Your grand beauty is all you need, all a baby needs, all we are so inspiring with your phenomenal art, phenomenal words, phenomenal heart....All = LOVE! Thanks for the sweetest message for me on FB. A year filled with joy is coming your way...cause you are so ready! I know!
Posted by: Orly | 12/30/2011 at 02:54 PM
Love. Thank you..
Posted by: Claire | 12/31/2011 at 10:15 AM
Such a beautiful are beautiful!
Posted by: Celia | 12/31/2011 at 05:20 PM
Trust and surrender ... the Universe has big plans for us all, we just can't always know all the details ... in time, in time (oh, how I fight time!)
Holding you in love -
xo Lis
Posted by: Lis | 01/01/2012 at 09:48 AM
may your dreams come true
Love and Light
Posted by: Cat | 01/01/2012 at 09:18 PM
THank your for sharing your heart. I had to let go of having my own family this year and am moving forward to other dreams. I hope 2012 will bring you yours.
Posted by: josie | 01/04/2012 at 09:44 AM