« i am trying to....."adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience" R. W. Emerson | Main | learning to just be... »



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Nice place,
nice photos,
very nice cats.

All the best Sebastian.

deb fink

Wonderfully delicious you are...

lili young

Curiouser and curiouser :) I'm so calmed by your art, Elke.
I saw a fox at Harbin and Zendog's memorial at Kirby Cove.


I am glad I got an hour or so on the houseboat with my father, it was his last time there and my first. It meant a lot to him, but his strength was at an end and he knew it. I have heard about the houseboat in his letters from when I was a child,
Love to you Elke


Fascinating and beautiful- thank you for sharing this with us.


*sigh* I'm loving these entries very much, Miss Elks! So inspiring. You are a fantastic photographer, especially the self portraits. (nice curves...ahem!!) Thank you again, for your bravery and for being such a generous sparkly faerie creature in sharing your thoughts and vision with us.


<3 <3 <3

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